LinkedIn Programme

Optimising Profile

Your first impression counts, it is a vital that the profiles we will be using for this program is optimized and refined for the development of the outreach.

After a one-to-one discovery session with your team, if needed, our in-house graphics team design a professional personalised banner based on your company branding, for you and your team giving your company a strong representation for your business on specialised platforms.

Having the correct heading and a fitting job description are usually overseen by many however we believe it is the attention to detail which attracts business.

Creating Client Personas

Crating customer personas, allows us to gain a reliable and realistic representation of your key audience. Understanding your clients sits at the forefront of our business. With the use of data analysis and research we create personas allowing us to align the outreach program with client needs. Understanding their buying behaviour and habits as users will allow us to put multiple metrics into place to enable success of our outreach program.

We believe spending time understanding your target audience helps our executives with the sales cycle enabling empathy during the approach.

Optimizing Search

With the advanced sales navigator we use your client personas to filter your lead search to target profiles which would bring value to your network.

Optimizing the search with an advance methodology which uses multiple data points to enhance the search quality.

We use multiple data point whilst filtering your search allowing us a refined search.

Connect with Audience

After filtering the search, we connect with the audience, using tailored and unique approach messages designed to enable you into the network of the leads creating more meaningful connections.

We believe that creating a powerful network and engaging with them, directly and indirectly, is a great investment for your business in the long term;

Initial Approach

Given the connection is accepted we apply our approach methodology to approach the prospect introducing your business and product.

The initial approach is based on the market strategy which was previously agreed upon. We do not use a “Pushy” sales methodology rather a empathic and understanding approach

Log & Track Response

Being completely transparent with you on every step of the way we log and track each detail to be able to provide accurate metrics measuring campaign success.

We are able to adapt the results into any CRM of your choice, providing you up to date giving you real time visibility on any project.

Follow Up

Focusing on our prospect’s needs is our priority when representing our partners, we have a very empathic and a tailored approach which we apply for our Linkedin Program;

Some clients are ready to go, whilst others might need time to take the decision; At MA we are prepared for an appropriate follow up based on a prospect’s needs.

We use advanced CRM’s to timely manage follow ups all seemingly integrated into your current working method.

Final Report

On a weekly basis we will arrange reports being crafted and sent out to your email to keep track and measure metrics of campaigns. Even though the work we carry out is transparent, we also offer an opportunity of Bi-weekly meetings with our clients.

We use data from each clients campaign to power up the following one, month by month creating a great return to your business by increasing the engagement of your professional profile.

How We Can Help

Customer Support

Our customer service is based on real, human interaction; making the customer feel valued and cared for will aid your business growth as well as help retain current customers.

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